Logistic Investments

The logistics services sector includes services for the flow of goods, energy and information, and their storage from production areas to consumption areas. Thus, it is a link between companies and people in markets with the aim of raising competitiveness and reducing trade costs such as, warehousing, distribution, supply chain management, material provisioning services for factories, and other ultra-modern services .

Market Potential

Ibri Industrial City is located on the road leading to the new border crossing between the Sultanate and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, thus is considered as an important point for handling intra-trade between the two countries and an opportunity for Saudi industries, whether those targeting the Omani market or markets that consider the Sultanate as a gateway to them. The industrial city will be a multi-use city, features besides the industrial sector other investment sectors, which include the logistics sector.

Est. Cost (OMR)


Allocated Space


Rental Rate / m2 / Year


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