
Discover All The Opportunities

Dolomite Calcination Unit

Equity shareholding opportunity in a new manufacturing plant of dolomite calcination which plays an important role in the steel sector, both for its purifying

Bitumen (Water Proofing Membrane) Plant

Equity shareholding opportunity in a new production facility to make water proofing membrane which is not currently manufactured in Oman and given that demand

Manufacture of Extruded Polystyrene Sheets

Equity shareholding opportunity in a new manufacturing plant to make extruded polystyrene plates, sheets, foil and strip for the construction sector.

Small Scale Forging Unit

Equity shareholding opportunity in forging unit which is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized compressive forces. The blows are delivered

Complex Industry Sector – Food industrial

Infrastructures are indispensable in supporting business activities and investors daily lives in fields. Play & Plug projects is essential for promoting sustainable social and

Complex Industry Sector – Plastic  sector

Infrastructures are indispensable in supporting business activities and investors daily lives in fields. Play & Plug projects is essential for promoting sustainable social and

Complex Industry Sector – Pharmatical sector

Infrastructures are indispensable in supporting business activities and investors daily lives in fields. Play & Plug projects is essential for promoting sustainable social and

Complex Industry Sector – Electrics industrial

sector) Infrastructures are indispensable in supporting business activities and investors daily lives in fields. Play & Plug projects is essential for promoting sustainable social

Complex Industry Sector – Food industrial

sector) Infrastructures are indispensable in supporting business activities and investors daily lives in fields. Play & Plug projects is essential for promoting sustainable social

Masar Service Center


We at Masar Service Center (Your One-Stop-Center) are proud to offer you an extensive, confidential package of assistance to help you identify the full range of hard and soft benefits of choosing Oman as an investment destination and business location.

We will work with you to ensure your business requirements are met, such as identifying potential sources of financial support including loans and institutional investors with the aim of assisting you in your business development and will also link you with Credit Oman, which has shaped domestic trade and catalyzed exports from Oman to regional and international markets.