Why Oman?


Oman is at the nexus of east-west trade routes, connecting markets in GCC, Asia, Africa, Europe and America.

In an effort to diversify Oman’s economy, the Government of Oman is focused on development manufacturing, logistic, mining, tourism, fisheries, education, healthcare and ICT as well as encouraging public private partnership.

More Than 105 International Free Trade Agreements

Oman has more than 105 international free trade agreements, which give businesses access to over 500mn consumers, 88% of the next one billion people to enter the middle class globally will be Asians, and the size of the Asian middle class is expected to reach nearly 3.5bn, or 65% of the world’s total, by 2030 up from 1.4bn in 2015.  Africa’s middle-class household consumption is predicted to reach US$2.5tr by 2030.   

Gulf Cooperation

Year 2003

Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Customs Union


US - Oman

Year 2009

United States of America
Free Trade Agreement & Economic
Integration Agreement

Goods & Services

Singapore FTA

Year 2013

Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates,

Free Trade Agreement & Economic Integration Agreement


Goods & Services

Greater Arab Free
Trade Area

Year 1998

Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Free Trade


GCC – European Free Trade Association FTA

Year 2009

Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Oman, Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
United Arab Emirates, Bahrain

Free Trade Agreement


Goods & Services

Lifestyle in Oman

Oman is an outstanding place to set up a home, raise a family, grow your business and develop your career.


World Class Institutions

Nature's Beauty


Premium Healthcare

Society Where There is Understanding

We are proud of Oman’s legal transparency, economic stability and political tranquility. 

We are passionate about helping Oman’s private sector, companies of all sizes, capitalize on economic growth wherever in the world it is taking place.  To this end, we support Omani products to ensure they can compete in an increasingly challenging global marketplace.  In fact, Omani products are enjoying tremendous international success and can be found in 130+ countries.

It pays to do business in Oman.  According to the World Bank, the Sultanate of Oman is ranked as one of the most cost-effective countries in the Middle East for doing business in terms of the combined impact of significant cost components including labor, utilities, facilities, transportation, financing cost and taxes.

Annual manufacturing space on Madayn’s industrial estates is available from US$ 2.50 to US$ 5 per SQM and monthly office space on KOM is available from US$15 to US$ 18 per SQM.

By 2025 one billion people will enter the global consuming class and around 600mn of them will live in emerging markets on Oman’s doorstep.  Strategically placed Oman has the business base, track record, infrastructure, experience, talent, leadership, and global connectivity to help business take its motion forward.